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Board of Directors

Special Members Meeting on 3/10/2015 - Outcome
02/22/2016 8:50pm

Our SPECIAL MEMBERS MEETING was held on 3/10 @ 6:30PM by the Poolside for the purpose of voting on proposed amendments to the Declaration of Condominium. Copies of the proposed amendments are located in the Documents section of our website or by clicking HERE.

Thirty percent (30%) of all Association members (a "quorum") must be present, in person or by proxy, at the meeting, in order for the business to be conducted as stated in Section 3.5 of our Condominium BY-LAWS.


A QUORUM was met with 48% of the Association members being present in person and by proxy since a minimum of sixty six and two thirds (66 and 2/3) percent of the Board voted in favor of these amendments.

AMENDMENT 1: Parking – 50% in favor; 50% not in favor – DID NOT PASS

AMENDMENT 2: BBQ Grills – 79% in favor; 21% not in favor – PASSED

AMENDMENT 3: Lease Restrictions – 77% in favor; 23% not in favor – PASSED

Thank you all for your participation in this meeting. This meeting wouldn't have been possible without everyone being involved. We will be posting a survey later this week reguarding parking and security to ensure we get everyone's input for next steps.

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